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Game Signups Coming Right Up!!

TL;DR: We are not using Warhorn this year, we are using our own system we had to build right on our own site! So Friday morning (Thursday evening for GMs) you'll get a link to the schedule, and you can go in and sign up for games there! The ONE THING YOU MUST DO TO BE ABLE TO SIGN UP FOR GAMES is to purchase your ticket on our site (with the discount code if you're a GM) so that you have an account to log into, in order to be able to sign up.

OK, long version: We learned some months back that Warhorn--the site we've always used in the past to post a schedule and let people sign up for games--might or might not be going away (you can Google it...there's lots of people talking about it). We started taking steps back when we first heard to perhaps implement our own system if Warhorn didn't make it. We've been slowly building more onto that system as time passed and it was still uncertain whether Warhorn was gonna make it. At this point...we still don't know if Warhorn is gonna make it, but we went ahead and put the games into our system and we're going to run with it, even if it's not yet perfect. We're pretty sure it will do OK, and it's definitely going to still be here in October...unlike Warhorn.

So, on Friday morning (Thursday night if you're a GM) you'll get a link to the schedule page where you can start signing up for games! The important thing here is that you'll have to be logged into our site to do so, so make sure you buy your ticket before then, as that process creates the account you can use to sign up for games.

That's It! Make sure you bought your ticket and then get ready for the next message!!

Sharing matters to us

Please tell all your friends so they will come play with us!
It's not a cult! Probably!
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