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Looming Deadlines...!!

We are only a month and a half out, and as such time is running short on pre-ordering certain somethings.
Yes, we will have some shirts for sale there, and yes, Montreat sometimes has extra meal tickets it can sell on the spot. BUT, the only way you can be sure to get one of these things is to order in advance. Therefore:

> T-Shirt orders must be placed by midnight, next Wednesday, September 13!
> ALSO, Meal Ticket orders must be placed by midnight, Sunday, September 17!

Other Announcements You Should Read!

> Signups on Warhorn will open on Sept. 22 for GMs and Patrons, and Sept. 23 for everyone else. Please make sure you are registered for our event on Warhorn, or we will not be able to clear you! You will receive an email from Warhorn when you have been cleared to sign up for games.

> All games we currently have scheduled--including PFS games--are now listed on Warhorn if you want a preview of what will be available!

> If you are interested in the PFS and/or SFS specials, please be thinking about what character you want to bring! We request that you add your character level at signup.

> After all the events of the past year, AVL Scarefest will be proudly sponsoring Planned Parenthood with our charity events. Please come prepared to donate generously.

> Don't forget the Creepy Doll Contest! Bring your best friend!
We DO still have rooms available at the Winsborough...
And we are still accepting GM signups!

Click here to sign up to run a game!!

Well, we found The Overlord...

Deep, deep under the catacombs under the Minion Compound, even deeper than Mountainmouth (see Season 5), Minion #21 found a cramped passageway, leading to a sepulchral room carved into the bedrock, and lying on a raised stone slab...was The Overlord. Just lying there. Staring at the ceiling.

Minion #21 was obviously quite relieved, and excitedly went to rouse The Overlord to bring them back...but they just rolled over. And stared at the wall. Not saying anything. Just staring, sometimes blinking slowly. Minion #21 was alarmed. They ran back to the compound, and many of us, including the Yeti, several Miniature Baby Dire Goats, a couple of clowns, and at least one Swampodile accompanied them back into the depths, and crowded into that barren space.

The Overlord looked mildly irritated, and rolled over to lie on their face so they didn't have to look at us.

Minion #22 (who has been taking psychology classes online for...at least five years now), after careful examination, has announced that The Overlord appears to have been struck down by the ennui. They say that we must tread carefully. Find a way to "reengage them with meaning in their unlife" and "help them rekindle a spark of joy".

So we tried bringing in their big, red stamp and a box of paperwork. But they just put their arms over their head.

And meanwhile, the dolls are getting less timid about entering the compound, and somewhere in the depths there's a sound like hundreds of tiny drums...

Mark Your Calendars for Oct. 20-22, 2023!! Do it!!

we miss you...

Sharing matters to us

Please tell all your friends so they will come play with us!
It's not a cult! Probably!
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