Oct 17-19, 2025
Join us for a gaming experience like no other! AVL Scarefest has been offering some of the best gaming experiences and the single most friendly and inclusive gaming community in our region since 2013 (with a couple of Plague years gone missing in there somewhere). We welcome you to join us for tabletop gaming running the gamut of hilarious to creepy to downright unnerving. Along the way maybe you’ll run into our Yeti, get sucked into a LARP with one of the Minions, or find a treasure you never even knew you were looking for.
Sign up to be one of our storytellers and reap the rewards! Every game you sign up to run get you 1/3 off a weekend pass. And our eternal gratitude. All game systems welcome! Super friendly players! Great staff support!
On-site lodging and meal plans available. So easy!!
Good People
We have been told over and over again that our gamers are the nicest, most inclusive, most friendly and encouraging crowd most folks have ever encountered at a convention. And it’s true! We can’t take credit for that, but we certainly do take pride in it.
Classic and modern games run by our stellar complement of Storytellers | Mind’s Eye Theatre Vampire the Masquerade LARP | New to gaming? You are very welcome!
We’re currently working on getting our schedule lined up for this year, but in the past we’ve offered many fabulous games, from the widely acclaimed to the rare and unusual, including:
- World of Darkness Vampire LARP
- D&D — Pathfinder — DCC
- Call of Cthulhu — The Whispering Vault — Monster of the Week
- World of Darkness — Vaesen — Torchbearer
- Ghostbusters — Old School Essentials — Traveller
- Savage Worlds — Dread — Tales From the Loop
- Indie Games — One Page RPGs — Fiasco
- Custom Games of varying degrees of weirdness and terror
- Board Games of All Descriptions!

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