Patron of AVL Scarefest Weekend Pass


Here’s the deal: if you want to show us extra love and support, this option is our way of saying thank you. You get a pass for the entire weekend, PLUS you will be appointed an Honorary Minion, and duly honored as such throughout the con. 

You get:

  • Weekend pass
  • AVL Scarefest 8 t-shirt (black, blue, or AWESOME PURPLE–a color nobody else gets to have!!)
  • Very public thanks, probably with glitter, definitely with the Yeti, and maybe involving food of some sort. You can opt out of this part if you want to (but you shouldn’t…it’ll be fun, we promise!) — This didn’t happen last year because chaos swamped the convention late Sunday morning, but we’ll make it up to you and then some! We promise!
  • Your Minion mentioned as a character in the Minion Updates throughout the year, and in random places like the program, the metaplot, and/or various Scarefest themed games at the convention!
  • Possibly more rewards, as we think of them. Feel free to send us ideas!

**NB: We do signups for games through Warhorn (, so you’ll need to create an account there before you buy a ticket, so we can link your ticket to your account.

This can be any combination of words and/or numbers, but if you put something here that’s likely to get us kicked out of Montreat, we *will* be having the clowns call you in the middle of the night to work out another option.

Your Honorary Minion will forever be part of the AVL Scarefest canon. They could look and talk like you and have your life…or alternatively they could have monstrous qualities, weird personality quirks, and dark secrets (not saying you *don’t*, mind you, just presenting options…). So tell us:
1. What is a weird physical characteristic of your Minion (purple skin, bat ears, suction cups on their fingers, etc)?
2. What’s an unusual personality trait of your Minion (always speaks in rhymes, must stop and count any pile of spilled items, etc)?
3. How did your Minion find out about AVL Scarefest?
4. What’s one more thing (or more!) you want us to know about your Minion?

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So…for years now, some of our attendees have been telling us we don’t charge enough. And on the one hand, we do count ourselves lucky if we make enough profit each year to buy the Overlord a meal of tasty Chinese takeout on the day after…but on the other hand, we know full well that many folks local to the WNC area are desperately trying to make ends meet most of the time…and we don’t want to become a con they can’t afford. So…we came up with a possibility:

The Patron of AVL Scarefest Weekend Pass!


Here’s the deal: if you want to show us extra love and support, this option is our way of saying thank you. You get a pass for the entire weekend, PLUS you will be appointed an Honorary Minion, and duly honored as such throughout the con. 

You get:

  • Weekend pass
  • AVL Scarefest 8 t-shirt (black, blue, or AWESOME PURPLE–a color nobody else gets to have!!)
  • Very public thanks, probably with glitter, definitely with the Yeti, and maybe involving food of some sort. You can opt out of this part if you want to (but you shouldn’t…it’ll be fun, we promise!) — This didn’t happen last year because chaos swamped the convention late Sunday morning, but we’ll make it up to you and then some! We promise!
  • Your Minion mentioned as a character in the Minion Updates throughout the year, and in random places like the program, the metaplot, and/or various Scarefest themed games at the convention!
  • Possibly more rewards, as we think of them. Feel free to send us ideas!

**NB: We do signups for games through Warhorn (, so you’ll need to create an account there before you buy a ticket, so we can link your ticket to your account.