Location: Table 1

PFS 1-18 Lodge of the Living God (1-4)

Lodge of the Living God, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Alex Greenshields for tier 1-4 An unexpected alliance begins! The masked priest Narsen invites the Pathfinders to the city of Xer in Razmiran, a closed nation dedicated to Razmir, the Living God. Normally insular and isolated, access to Razmiran represents a unique opportunity for

PFS 6-04 An Enkindled Carnival (3-6)

An Enkindled Carnival, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Mike Kimmel for tier 3–6 In her latest venture to help fund the Knights of Lastwall and to bring some needed cheer to Absalom, Lady Hesla Embersplitter has announced a carnival within the Foreign Quarter, inviting the children of Absalom to come and spend some time

PFS 6-03 Godsrain in a Godless Land (5-8)

Godsrain in a Godless Land, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Solomon St. John for tier 5–8 Rahadoum is a land that abhors the gods, and while the death of Gorum was cause for celebration there, the Godsrain that followed brought only uncertainty. Kassi Azaril, one of the most outspoken opponents of divine magic and