Lamentations of the Flame Princess – Scenic-Dunnsmouth: Beset by malefactors supernatural and mundane, Dunnsmouth slowly dies in the swamp, but within the rot are mysteries to be solved, evil to be fought and the Weird to be encountered.
World of Darkness: Magic is a lost art. Well, not as lost as you think… When magical artifacts or ancient spells begin to act strangely, things can go from bad to worse in an instant. This kind of emergency falls under the jurisdiction of the Collections Department, which has dispatched you and the rest of your team to deal with it. Just remember: Keep your eyes open, watch for ANYTHING out of the ordinary, and when it comes to magic, point away from face.
Call-of-Cthulhu: It’s a chance for the investigators to change their mediocre lives and go on an adventure that could end up making them some serious cash. Play as investigators who have uprooted there lives to travel out to the middle of the wilderness to restore a perfectly normal and old hotel.
Assault on Darrow Fortress: For 50 years the Kettle Family has scoured the inner and outer planes seeking their lost mother, Ma Kettle, after an explosive battle against the Earth Cult in the Temple of Elemental Evil ripped a hole in the very fabric of the Prime Material Plane plunging the diminutive family through.
Now, with clues laid before them like bread crumbs, they follow a path that could certainly lead to their destruction in the infamous halls of Halaster Blackcloak; the mad god-king of the greatest grave in all of Faerun – the infamous Halls of Undermountain.
There’s something weird in the neighborhood. Who you gonna call? Asheville Ghostbusters!
D&D 5e Adventures League: Death House is a 4-6 hour introductory adventure for characters level 1-3.
Delta Green: Rosewood
Delta Green Agents have disappeared investigating a series of murders in Rosewood- a small city about 35 minutes from Asheville, and, according to previous reports, the bodies have been drained of blood and have several strange markings on their bodies.
Tales from the Loop: The Mummy in the Mist
The world is gray and gloomy and a fog covers Lake Malar. Somewhere, there are rumors that a mummy has been seen in Bredäng and the nearby Sätra.
Clockwork: Dominion is a steampunk roleplaying game set in a Victorian
world of gothic horror
D&D5e: After all life has died in the Windsire Forest, the party has been hired to investigate. They soon discover a terrible spirit of a half man, half elk, infamously named, “The Hunter”, who withers anything he touches.
In this dread game, all players will be resident hospital interns. The hospital can be a little unsettling sometimes… But there’s 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 nothing uncanny going on there. Apart from a corrupt private owner, patients that keep disappearing, and a growing sense of, well, dread.
Pathfinder Playtest: Get introduced to the new rules and put them to the ultimate test on your game table on Sunday!