We’ve booked out the Winsborough Lodge, but there are other good places to stay near the con. We have a spreadsheet of the various rentals, along with contacts and costs, available here: Private Housing XLS Also, there are a number of Bed & Breakfasts close by which get rave reviews: […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
Asheville Scarefest needs you to help bring in the players! Please use the flyers below to let others know what’s coming. Post online, at your school, at the local coffee shop! Stand on street corners and hand them out (along with free candy!). Or, you know, not. Be careful. People […]
Yesterday, we had to tell Montreat how many rooms we wanted to reserve at Winsborough Lodge. We had requests for over half of them. When we sent that in, they offered to let us go ahead and reserve the entire lodge, on the understanding we can release some of the […]
This is it, we have a location and we’re definitely ON! Scarefest 2015 will be on October 23-25 at the beautiful Montreat Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC. While our original intention had been to keep it within Asheville, proper, it turns out that it’s very difficult to get a […]
Things are developing… Thus far we have interest from devotees of Pathfinder Society, Savage Worlds, D&D, World of Darkness, board games, and Magic the Gathering (and this is not everyone who has expressed interest, just the folks who seem fairly definite). We are looking at a minimum of 15 tables […]
Based on the poll results, it looks like the weekend before Halloween is going to work for the most people. Therefore, it’s official: Scarefest 2015 will be held October 23-25, here in Asheville, NC. And to celebrate, we have a new logo for this year. Say hello to our creepy […]
Obviously, Scarefest should be around Halloween. There are upsides and downsides to every date in that general timeframe, however, and we need to hear from everyone what they’d most prefer. The weekend before Halloween is the same weekend as the Asheville Comic Expo (it’ll be going on that Saturday at […]
So here we are, at the beginning. For the last two years, Scarefest has been a mini-con just for the Asheville area Pathfinder Society gaming group. After the success of last year’s efforts, however, we started to dream bigger. Very few of us only ever play one game. It would […]