Are you ready?

We will be clearing folks to sign up for games on Warhorn starting this Friday. Please make sure you have created a Warhorn account, so that we can let you in!
Registrations will be opened as follows:
– GM volunteers will be cleared by noon on Friday, Sept. 1
– Early Registrations (those who bought their ticket before Aug. 1) will be cleared by noon on Saturday, Sept. 2
– Everyone else who has thus far bought a ticket will be cleared by noon on Sunday, Sept. 3
You will receive an email when everyone for your appropriate category has been cleared. If you get that email and find you were not cleared, you will want to email us at so that we can fix the situation!
Finally, if you purchased a ticket for someone else, please make sure they also have created a Warhorn account…we may not have their email address to notify them (but we will have the name you listed for them when you made your purchase).
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you there!