Full of Suck.
That’s basically what most of us have been experiencing for the last couple of months, and it’s what we sadly are compelled to contribute to now. Even our resident vampire is talking about sucking in a sulky tone of voice. But sadly even The Overlord cannot peer through the mists of time to see our murky future, and so it has been decreed that this year AVL Scarefest will not take place. |
At least not for you. Apparently we Minions are expected to keep working our fingers to the bone so that AVL Scarefest 2021 will be the most “Strikingly Stupendous Serial Celebration of Spookiness Yet!”. |
So says The Overlord. |
So Say We All. |
Stay Tuned. |
In the meantime…
We want to say how much we sincerely appreciate all the support you have given us over the years, and please know that we are every bit as sad about this as you are. We look forward to the point at the end of this particular horror movie where we can go back to our regularly scripted program. Stay tuned to our newsletter and our Facebook page for updates as we all try to find out way out of this nightmare together. |