As many of our return guests know, we like to do a little something different on the Sunday morning of AVL Scarefest. For starters, we open our doors a little later: at 9AM, instead of 8, to let everyone sleep in a little, or get a little exercise, or take a shower, etc. By the third day of a con, our experience has shown that everyone is grateful for a slightly later start.
The other thing about Sunday morning, is that rather than running games in the usual way, with advance signups and four hour slots, we like to leave things a bit more freeform, with an assortment of shorter/demo games, board game activities, craft demos, etc. This year, with the…unusual confluence of events taking place on site (don’t know what we’re talking about? You should probably catch up on the Minion Corner notes in our newsletter), Sunday morning appears to have taken a slightly more…Goblin Market turn. Just so you are prepared, here is a sampling of what you should expect:
- Board Game Swap: Bring your old stuff, and get new (to you) stuff! Details can be found here.
- Mini Painting Workshop: Have you wanted to get into miniature painting but don’t know where to start? Well, this class will show you how to paint tabletop quality miniatures easily and quickly.
- Chainmail Jewelry Demo
- Bob Ross Style Fantasy Painting Workshop
- Escape Room
- Fortune Telling
- Board Game Madness
- Nerdy vendors
- Art Gallery
The coffee and tea is on us (as always), so bring your old games, an open mind, and a mask (so you can blend in). We’ll see you there!