We are two weeks out from AVL Scarefest, and things around the compound have reached a frantic pitch usually reserved for especially popular shopping days or kudzu outbreaks. We wanted to take a moment, however, to catch our breath and present another handful of amazing prizes we’ll be giving away this year (if you didn’t see the first few prize peek posts you can catch up over here). Behold…
Wyrmwood has donated an absolutely drool-inducing Purpleheart Dice Vault. It’s beautiful, it’s practical, and it’s making all of us wish we could come to Scarefest and win prizes. But only the most human of us get to do that. And not so much the prizes…
Adventure Scents has contributed a prize package full of assorted scents, as well as a copy of Cooking With Dice. What’s an Adventure Scent, you ask? They’re smells for your gaming! How amazing is that? Why did no one ever think of this before? Now, when you enter some bombed-out ruins, they will smell of dust and rubble and ashes! When you visit the local fairgrounds, it will actually smell like kettle corn, cotton candy, and something terrifyingly wrong! Your epic fight against the BBEG can smell like blood, leather, and steel!! So yeah, we’re pretty excited.
Gaming Paper has generously donated four Mega Dungeon adventure maps, including the Lost Catacombs, Sewers, and Rooftops & Alleyways, plus EIGHT, count ’em –8– adventures and supplemental sources for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. There’s Shuigong, which promises to combine classic fantasy with steampunk along with a fair dose of monstrous terror; The Demoncall Pit, full of good old-fashioned demon-slaying; The Pirate Encyclopedia, full of feats, archetypes, spells, etc. to take your swashbucklers to the next level, and more…
Goodman Games, infamous creator of the Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG system, has donated not only a copy of the core DCC Rulebook, but also two adventures: The Sinister Sutures of the Sempstress and They Served Brooklyn Red. Hours of classic, deadly fun.
That’s all we have time for, for now. Keep your eyes peeled…there may be one more before The Great Day is upon us. We certainly have not run out of prizes…