Prize Peek: Strange Beauty & Stranger Monsters

Ah, you’re back for more loot, are you (if you didn’t see the first edition of our prize peek series, it’s right over here)? Well, thanks to our amazing Abettors, we are happy to oblige. Step this way, and let us take you on a tour of some of the latest offerings that we will be giving away at this year’s Scarefest…

To begin, Angelarium has donated five absolutely stunning playmats. Each mat measures 24″ x 14″, and features the gorgeous artwork of Peter Mohrbacher. These are all limited edition, and many of them are no longer for sale on their site, as they are only printed in runs of 50.

Axolote GamingNext, Axolote Gaming has donated 16 cards which are redeemable for their 3D model files. These are detailed, high-quality sculpts; all you have to do is take the files to a 3D printer and they will be accolade-worthy additions to your miniatures collection.

Cryptworld SourcebooksGoblinoid Games has donated three sourcebooks from their collection: Cryptworld, Cryptworld Monster Macabre, and Rotworld.
Some of you may remember Cryptworld from last year’s con: run by the creator, we Minions heard nothing but positive reviews. Here’s your chance to be able to run it for your home group…

Miniature Market DonationsMiniature Market has generously donated a copy of the Pathfinder Adventurer’s Armory, a copy of Pathfinder Blood of the Sea, and a D&D 5E Volo’s Guide to Monsters.

Nord Games has stepped up and contributed a copy of the Steampunked Time Machine card game with all expansions, as well as a copy of Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde and its accompanying pawn set, so you can make sure your monsters are as monstrous as they should be.

Savage KingdomsAnd last but not least, Savage Kingdoms, one of our locally-grown RPGs that made good in the world, has donated a first edition Core Rulebook and a copy of The Savage East.

That’s all for today…but that’s not all! Stay tuned for our next edition of Prize Peek, coming soon on a random day you most likely cannot predict, but guaranteed to bring you joy.