Prize Peek 2018: It’s a small world…

Ah, so you’re back for the first installment of this year’s Prize Peek, hm? Wanting to see what awaits your clutching claws, hm. Well, come this way my little tardigrade, and we’ll see what there is to see…

D&D minis and book donated by Miniature MarketLet’s begin with this rather impressive looking brick (that’s a technical term) of miniature creatures from Miniature Market. They have generously donated not one, not two…but eight boxes of D&D Monsters of the Realms Monster Menagerie minis. Not only that, but they are backing it up with a copy of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, so you know what you’re dealing with.

Tower 2Next up, Archania’s Workshop has provided us with a broad assortment of fantastic 3D printed miniature scenery. Featured to the right is their Desert Tower building — just the thing when your party has been wandering for weeks in the desert, desperately looking for an oasis, and their next stop is being firebombed from an impregnable fortress! They are also donating their magnificent (and classic!) Statue miniature, which can hold dice, slime, oatmeal, or whatever else you need for your intrepid adventurers! 

But that’s not all! They also sent spell AOE templates, a Blacksmith Shop, a Mausoleum, a Dice Tower, an Abandoned House, and an Encounter Room. It’s enough 3D terrain that your minis could actually live there…



What’s that? Your thirst for loot is not quenched? Well, my little cabbage flower, this is only the beginning! Keep an eye out for many more Prize Peeks in the coming weeks as our Abettors’ shipments continue to arrive at the Minion Compound. Until then…I’ll be under the bed. — Minion #913