Monthly Archives: September 2016
Guest post by Board Game Minion Mateo I have traveled to many countries. I have ridden in a leaky submarine. I have spent the night in a haunted house. I have robbed people on a train at gun-point. I have built a utopia and destroyed cities. I am a gamer. […]
We’ve all spent countless happy hours watching Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, reading the fiction, playing the RPGs, and making nerdy inside jokes with our friends (and yes, we know about your transporter shower curtain). But did you know there’s a game that can bring you closer to actually being a […]
“Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don’t waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren’t meant […]
EVIL STALKS YOU IN THE DARK OF NIGHT — KNOW ITS WEAKNESS OR FALL VICTIM TO ITS HUNGER!! Cryptworld is a horror role-playing game from Goblinoid Games’ / Pacesetter in which you investigate and hunt the forces of the fantastic and unexplained. Classic horror, slasher horror, alien menaces from the […]
This year at Scarefest, we’re trying something new: we’re implementing a token system. And to be clear, by “tokens” we basically mean “raffle tickets”, but tokens is more in the spirit of the thing. Like…”a token of kindness”, or “a token of affection”. That sort of thing. How do I […]