Unfortunately, due to the damage from hurricane Helene was so extensive that we will not be able to have Scarefest as usual this year. If you have purchased tickets or other goods/services, please fill out the form here to request your refund, or offer to donate your purchase price to […]
We’re so excited to be opening our (squeaky) doors to you all again this year! As of this post, we’re just a little under 3 months out, and we are working on some Big Things to make this year the best ever. Here’s a quick rundown of what we have […]
TL;DR: We will not be requiring proof of vaccination or masks for this year’s event, in line with other conventions around the country. This policy could change if local or federal agencies recommend a change in safety precautions for large gatherings. If you believe you have COVID, please test. If […]
It’s been two years since the last AVL Scarefest, and it is entirely possible that in that time you may have forgotten some of the things that make us special. Things that frequently get mentioned in our newsletters, FB posts, and program, and occasionally even become relevant if you want […]
After the long, aching winter of the seemingly interminable Plague Years….AVL Scarefest is back!! Tickets are now on sale, along with accommodations and meal tickets. Keep an eye on our store for other interesting merchandise we are absolutely, very definitely, for sure going to post there. Like t-shirts. And possibly […]
After much soul searching and reading of tea leaves, we are sad to announce that we will once again be postponing AVL Scarefest this year. Please do not scream at us…our personal demons are loud enough, we assure you. We do know that many of you are getting vaccinated as […]
In any other year, you would all–right now, as we write this–be gathered in Freeland Hall at Montreat. Some of you would be wandering in late as the Goblin Market begins to wrap up. Some of you would already be deeply entrenched in a game, eyes wide, hands gesticulating with […]
Full of Suck. That’s basically what most of us have been experiencing for the last couple of months, and it’s what we sadly are compelled to contribute to now. Even our resident vampire is talking about sucking in a sulky tone of voice. But sadly even The Overlord cannot peer […]
As many of our return guests know, we like to do a little something different on the Sunday morning of AVL Scarefest. For starters, we open our doors a little later: at 9AM, instead of 8, to let everyone sleep in a little, or get a little exercise, or take […]
Yes, we realized a little too late that a last name for the Yeti would sound cool…but we never gave him one. Or asked if he already had one. So…maybe we can do that when he comes back. As he will. Certainly. What’s that? You haven’t heard? OH. Well, the […]