Here at Minion Headquarters, we get a lot of interesting inquiries about Scarefest. Admittedly, most of them are asking things like would we like to make a million dollars helping some unfortunate djinn launder their cash from the dimension next door (don’t try it…it’s totally a scam), but we also […]
You can buy your tickets right here! Yes, it has finally happened. All your dreams favorite nightmares are about to come true! AVL Scarefest will be back this year, beginning on Friday, Oct. 20 and running through Sunday, Oct. 22. Unless, of course, you’d like to join us for the […]
If you attended AVL Scarefest this year, please take just a couple and go fill out our survey over here. It’s how we know what we did well, and what needs work, and also sometimes the start of brilliant new ideas.
We are just under two weeks out ’till this year’s Scarefest! Hopefully you’re as excited as we are! You can buy your ticket right up until the day of (The Wyvern’s Tale will be handling our registration at the door again this year, and will be selling tickets at a slight […]
Both of today’s prize preview prizes were donated by local fabricator of amazing things, OberMetalWorks. They specialize in chainmail (and otherwise hand-linked) jewelry, hand-machined beads and rings, and the most badass little tops you have ever seen. Here’s what they are chipping in this year: Chainmail Earrings OK, they’re technically […]
We’ve had some amazing donations for prizes at Scarefest this year, so we thought it only right to start previewing the loot you could possibly win*. Both because we knew you’d want to know, and also because we really want to take every chance we can to thank and highlight […]
This year at Scarefest, we’re trying something new: we’re implementing a token system. And to be clear, by “tokens” we basically mean “raffle tickets”, but tokens is more in the spirit of the thing. Like…”a token of kindness”, or “a token of affection”. That sort of thing. How do I […]
As we’re gearing up for the next Scarefest, we do have a few quick announcements to make! More details to come later, but for now here’s your super-fast rundown: Rooms at the Winsborough are currently on sale at the Early Roc rate! This rate will hold through June, but then […]
All right, spooklings. All the Minions here at AVL Scarefest headquarters have been hard at work to bring you another weekend of terrifying gaming fun, and we now feel confident saying We Have A Plan This year’s Asheville Scarefest will be back on this year from October 21 through 23, […]